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Is Your Website Full of Red Flags? 🚩

Published 9 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader

Your website is often the first impression someone has of your business. The question is: Is that impression pushing potential customers away, or drawing them in?

Here are 5 signs your website may need some love:

  1. Mismatched Branding: Does your logo appear outdated or blurry? Inconsistencies between your website and social media channels can confuse customers and undermine your brand's credibility. An inconsistent brand message can make visitors question if they're in the right place or if you're still in business.
  2. Slow Load Times: Every moment a visitor waits for your site to load is a moment they consider navigating away. Time is precious online, and slow load times can convey unprofessionalism or lack of attention to the user experience.
  3. Not Optimized for Mobile: With over half of website traffic coming from mobile devices, a site that's hard to navigate on a smartphone is simply bad for business. It sends a message that you're not catering to their preferred browsing habits.
  4. Low Conversion Rates: If visitors drop by without taking any action, it's not them; it's your site. Clunky navigation, unclear calls to action, or just plain old irrelevant content could be the culprits.
  5. Confusing Navigation: A confusing site can lead to frustration, causing potential customers to abandon their search on your site. They should feel aided by your site structure, not challenged by it. If they can't find what they're looking for quickly, they might doubt your business's efficiency in other areas too.

If you're nodding your head, thinking, "That sounds like my website," then it might be time for a bit of a website makeover. A smooth, streamlined website can be the key to turning a curious visitor into a loyal customer.

For a deeper look into these issues and solutions, read the full blog post here:


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Digital Marketing Platforms for Small Businesses. Vervology was founded to empower small businesses to thrive online and believes a marketing strategy is nothing without quality execution. Vervology implements your marketing strategy, building websites and developing content that connects you to prospects, customers, and stakeholders online.

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